Museum "In the World of the Fairy Tale"
 Phone: (4812) 38-22-26
Address: 214000, Smolensk region, Smolensk City, Lenin Street, 15
Working hours:*
www.russianmuseums.info/M2315 - official web page
The Smolensk State Museum-Preserve - W1508, official web site www.smolensk-museum.ru/
billboard, events and excursions |  |
The children's museum "In the World of the Fairy Tale" was opened in December of 1992. Beyond the smart carved doors of the museum there is a world making adults remember their past and children play with animation at the present. The exhibits situated in the museum interiors formthe scenes from the folk fairy tales and tales by A. S. Pushkin. When coming here for the first time children find themselves surrounded by their fairy tale acquaintances they were told and read about. The best exhibits were selected for themuseum "In the World of the Fairy Tale" from the collection of the Smolensk Museum-Preserve: the small silver horn for the babies' feeding made by the Moscow goldsmith Gavrila Ustinov; the piece of embroidery (so-called "shirinka") made by needle-women of the Moscow Holy Week Nunnery; the painted chest of the 1839 year; the hand sledge made more than a century ago in the Vologda Province. No one of the visitors could pass by the glass-cases filled with the folk toys made of clay made in the villages Filimonovo, Deamkovo, Bogorodskoye. Both adults and children would be delighted by the toy China set. It could be used by the Inch-girl or the Nail-boy. Tiny apples-cups, on leaves-saucers together with a pear-milk-jug lay on a tray which could have room on a palm. The museum's hall is decorated with children's works: many of boys and girls leave their drawings and odd jobs here. And while being on excursion children visitors could be surprised by a sudden appearance of the heroes of the Russian fairy tales: Baba-Yaga, Leshiy, Vasilisa the Beautiful
Museum's building(s):
A corner building of Lenin Street and Bolshaya Sovietskaya Road is known as "the building with a clock". D. P. Kovalenko is its architect. It was built in 1950 at the place of the destroyed in the World War II "Yevropeyskaya" hostel. In 1900 V. I. Lenin, the founder and the leader of the first Soviet State stayed here. The hostel was rebuilt in a dwelling house with shops at the ground floor. The reconstructed building has brick walls colored after plastering. It's an example of a great representative dwelling house of the 1950s accomplished within the typical for the Soviet architecture shapes of neoclassicism. Some features of the original prewar buildings might have been kept in it. It's a free-stored building. The street facades have elegant d?cor in the way of ancient order. The ground floor has large rectangular shop windows, wide pilasters; and there is a narrow conic between the ground floor and the upper one. At the present the ground floor is occupied by some shops, a bank and a hairdressing salon in addition to themuseum "In the World of the Fairy Tale"
Museum's services: museum shop, lecture hall, theatre
Next to the museum there are:
hotels and restaurants
for museum professionals |  |
Administrative phone:
(4812) 38-22-26
Administrative address:
214000, Smolensk City, Communisticheskaya Road, 4
Foundation and opening day:
opened: 1992ã.
Organisation status: State Russia
Organization form: non-for-profit
Organisation type:
culture for society
Squares: permament show rooms 77,9ì2
Employee number:
7 (curators: 4)
Average visitors per year:
Rare collections (unique items):
The collection of textiles and clothes - 18 things The collection of decorative-and-applied art and ethnography - 94 things The collection of furniture - 4 things The collection of natural science - 9 things
Web sites and CD-disks:
Copyright (c) 1996-2024 Museum "In the World of the Fairy Tale"
Copyright (c) 1996-2025 Russian Museums .info