www.Museum.ru :
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The portal ”Museums of Ostrobothnia”

605 rating place
by visitors' votes

The region of Ostrobothnia contains one hundred museums, which makes it one of the densest museum concentrations in Finland. Most of these museums are now collected under this portal ”Museums of Ostrobothnia”. You can enter the portal in Finnish, Swedish or Russian. Some English information will be added later on. This portal offers you facts about interesting museum objects and also beautiful photos. You can discover there the programs of your local museums: the exhibitions and the events arranged in them. Here you can pick out the gems of the museums in Ostrobothnia!
    Each museum has a page of its own with all the necessary information about the museum in question: a short description with photos, opening hours, address, entrance fees etc. Click the address to open a new window, which tells the location of the museum on the map. On the museum's infobox you will find different symbols indicating the services and facilities of the museum, as well as their accessibility for the disabled

»»» http://www.museiportalosterbotten.fi/museot-pohjanmaalla-ru-RU/