 Phone: (81755) 2-16-54
Address: 162000, Vologda region,
Working hours:*
www.russianmuseums.info/M769 - official web page
billboard, events and excursions |  |
Graysovets is an ancient Russian merchant town with interesting provincial architecture. The museum is situated in the historical stone building in the centre of the town. It is a brunch of Vologda state History, Architecture and Art Museum - reserve. The main exposition in Gryasovets in museum is "The museum of Flax", which tells about the development of flaz cultivation in the North from immemorial time till nowdays. Museum things show the great importance of this ecological pure product in the life of people and in the economy of Vologda province, especially in Gryasovets, where flax was the main agricultural production.The other exposition of this museum is devoted to the history of Gryasovets, its development from the little settlement to the administrative and trade town of the district. Then, there is the exposition of local nature and thematic exhibitions of local culture and well - known fellow country men.
Museum's services: museum shop
Next to the museum there are:
hotels and restaurants
for museum professionals |  |
Administrative phone:
(81755) 2-16-54, Fax: (81755) 2-16-54
Foundation and opening day:
founded: 24.12.2002
Organisation status: State Russia
Organization form: non-for-profit
Organisation type:
culture for society, scientific
Natural history,Historical,Regional museum,Painting art

Squares: permament show rooms 398м2
Employee number:
3 (curators: 1)
Specific departments:
Collections volume:
4309, rare collection's items: 2864
Web sites and CD-disks:
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