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The Bekovo Regional Museum of Local Lore

Phone: (84141) 2-2702

Address: 442940, Penza region,

Working hours:*

    www.russianmuseums.info/M737 - official web page


billboard, events and excursions

    The Bekovo Regional Museum was opened in 6-th november 1986 . It has live halls. The first one is devoted to the ancient history . Au the exhibits have been gathered on the territory of our region. They are paleontological and àrcheological finds. The interior of a peasants'izba contains different things of the 17-18 th centuries : weaving loom, distaffs, mortals, churns, etc. There are collections of potteries, irons, samovars, wickerworks and agneuttural, implements. The second hall is devoted to the exhibits of the Soviet period. The third hall is devoted to the Gveat Patriodis War of 1941-1945. There are awards and certifications, personal things, photos, letters,documents about the workers of the home front here. The 4-th and the 5-th halls are devoted to art. They contain icon - painting and castings, church relics, books of the 18-19 th centuries, painting of local antists, homespun goods of the 18-20 th centuries

Next to the museum there are:
    restaurant(s) or caffes

for museum professionals

Administrative phone:
    (84141) 2-2702

Foundation and opening day:
    opened: 06.11.1986

Organisation status:

Organization form:

Organisation type:
    culture for society, scientific

    Natural history,Historical,Regional museum,Painting art

    permament show rooms 195ì2
    museum's store 3ì2

Employee number:
    3 (curators: 2)

Specific departments:

Web sites and CD-disks:

Copyright (c) 1996-2018 The Bekovo Regional Museum of Local Lore

Copyright (c) 1996-2025  Russian Museums .info