The State museum of Military History and Natural Reserve "The Kulikovo Field"
 Phone: (4872) 36-28-34, (4872) 55-00-46 - автоответчик
Address: 300041, Tula region, Tula, Lenina, 47
Working hours:*
www.russianmuseums.info/M603 - official web page
The Kulikovo Field - W541, official web site kulpole.ru
E-Mail: ,
billboard, events and excursions |  |
The State museum of Military History and Natural Reserve "the Kulikovo field", is a museum devoted to the history of the first Russian battlefield. It is situated in the South-East of the Tula Region, just 300 km/187 miles from Moscow, in one of the most beautiful places in Russia. In 1380, the largest Russian medieval battle took place on this site. Russian troops under the command of Moscow's Prince Dmitry Donskoy were victorious over Mamai's army. It was a double victory - for the first time in Russian history, Russian princedoms unified to defend their Motherland. Nowadays the Kulikovo Field presents a unique chance to learn about the origins of Russian history. It is also a wonderful place for recreational activities and cognitive tourism. Picturesque landscapes and the splendid environment give the tourists unforgettable impressions, especially if they stay in our tent on the banks of the Don and Nepriadva rivers during the summer. Our museum is a unique preserve where you can get acquainted not only with the history of Tula, but also with the history of Russia in general. Each of our museums can tell you its own story. If you want to know the history of Tula, its archeology and you want to see real Russian peasant houses, then you need to visit the Tula antiquities museum. If you want to know about the history of the provincial merchants' town, about traditional life or Russian merchants and you would like to see the real merchants' estate, then you need visit our museum of Russian Merchants' History. If you are interested in the Kulikovo Battle, its premise and process, and you want to see Russian warrior equipment, come to Museum complex "Kulikovo Field", the Monastyrshchino Museum-Memorial complex and the Red Hill. If you want to book an excursion or if you have any questions or offers, you can call us or e-mail us. We will help you with great pleasure
Museum's services: museum shop, lecture hall, public library, museum's caffe
Next to the museum there are:
hotels and restaurants
for museum professionals |  |
Administrative phone:
(4872) 36-18-40, Fax: (4872) 36-28-34
Foundation and opening day:
founded: 14.10.1996
Organisation status: Federal
Organization form: non-for-profit
Organisation type:
culture for society
Historical,Museum preserve

Squares: permament show rooms 3153,6м2 museum's store 174,6м2 museum's parks 48,9га
Employee number:
298 (curators: 10)
Average visitors per year:
Specific departments:
science library, restoration dep. (реставрация черного и цветного металла, фарфора, стекла, керамики, реконструкций защитных доспехов и вооружения IX-XVI вв., предметов на бумажной основе, деревянных предметов)
Collections volume:
59694, rare collection's items: 45192
Web sites and CD-disks:
Copyright (c) 1996-2024 The State museum of Military History and Natural Reserve "The Kulikovo Field"
Copyright (c) 1996-2025 Russian Museums .info