Gallery of Outstanding Orenburgers "Our peoples"
 Phone: (3532) 908470 - справочная
Address: 460014, Orenburg region,
Working hours:*
www.russianmuseums.info/M3126 - official web page
billboard, events and excursions |  |
A new small museum located in the heart of the Orenburg walking area in the basement of the Orenburg Tourist and Information Centre invites the guests every day from 11.00 till 20.00. The entrance is free. The artifacts represent 30 persons who are related to Orenburg. Some of them were born here, the others lived in our city as evacuees, they studied or worked in Orenburg: a musician Mstislav Rostropovich, the first astronaut Yuri Gagarin, a French writer Maurice Druon, a founder of the Munich resistant group "White Rose" Alexander Schmorell, the strongest man of the Earth Alexander Zass, the leader of the USSR Georgy Malenkov and Viktor Chernomyrdin, Prime Minister of Russia in 1992-98. All the artifacts have footnotes in the Russian and English languages. The monitors installed near each museum character share video information about them with the visitors. The museum is designed for personal itinerary. Leaving the museum a visitor may call in at our shop "Souvenirs of Orenburg"
Museum's services: museum shop, lecture hall
Next to the museum there are:
hotels and restaurants
for museum professionals |  |
Administrative phone:
(3532) 773480, Fax: (3532) 784061
Foundation and opening day:
opened: 03.06.2020
Organisation status: Private
Organization form: non-for-profit
Organisation type:
culture for society
Regional museum,Memorial

Squares: permament show rooms 56м2
Employee number:
Average visitors per year:
более 2000
Collections volume:
Web sites and CD-disks:
Copyright (c) 1996-2023 Gallery of Outstanding Orenburgers "Our peoples"
Copyright (c) 1996-2025 Russian Museums .info