Natural-Science Museum of University
Phone: (904) 349-31-88
Address: 344090, Rostov region,
Working hours:*
www.russianmuseums.info/M3110 - official web page
Natural-Science Museum of University - W1406, official web site museion.sfedu.ru/
billboard, events and excursions |  |
In the Museum collection formation we start first of all from necessity of inclusion the sections connected, anyhow, with a science about substance and its transformations. For this reason in collections the chemistry, biology, ecology, medicine, sciences about the person as a biological essence, physics and material sections of techniques (construction, metallurgy, the electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical technology, power, biotechnology and communication) are presented. The exposition unites the major for the person the subjects which have become in due time by the present innovations: pens and matches, lamps and buttons, glasses and stamps, and many other things. Separate sections of a Museum are devoted to virtual private collections of materials for manufacture of coca-cola, chemistry on signs on post payment, to the major industrial productions and advertising of innovations. The present pride of the Museum are paradoxical exhibits or artifacts, - a prototype of inventions or innovations. In the Museum all exhibits are online connected with text, audio and video-explanation. Unlike many other places, here there is an obligatory experimental illustration of physical laws or natural phenomena, underlying exhibited innovations. The Museum is visited by schoolboys of the senior classes of the Rostov Region, teachers raising qualification naturally - a scientific cycle, students and teachers of Chemical Department.
Museum's services: lecture hall, Internet access
Next to the museum there are:
restaurant(s) or caffes
for museum professionals |  |
Administrative phone:
(904) 349-31-88
Foundation and opening day:
opened: 12.11.2005
Organisation status: Ministry
Organization form: non-for-profit
Organisation type:
culture for society, scientific
Natural history,Science and technics
Squares: permament show rooms 70м2 museum's store 10м2
Employee number:
10 (curators: 4)
Collections volume:
992, rare collection's items: 640
Web sites and CD-disks:
Copyright (c) 1996-2020 Natural-Science Museum of University
Copyright (c) 1996-2025 Russian Museums .info