 Phone: (343) 371-3576
Address: 620075, Sverdlovsk region,
Working hours:*
www.russianmuseums.info/M2804 - official web page
The United Museum of the Urals Writers - W1395, official web site www.ompural.ru/
billboard, events and excursions |  |
The Life and creative work of Dmitriy Narkisovich Mamin - Sibiryak, theRussian writer - democrat (1852-1912) is closely connected to the Urals/ In 1885, after recilving the authoris fees for the noveis: "Privalov's Millions" and "Mountain Nest" he purchased a four - room wooden house with a kitchen and a corridor. The current house address is 27 Pushkina St. (ex-Sobornaya St). The house was occupied by the writer's family - his mother, sister and brothers. D.N.Mamin - Sibiryak himself, permanently lived in the hoyse of his wife M.J.Alexeyeva, but re daily visited his family house and had a private study there. In 1890 (when D.N.Mamin - Sibiryak uft Ekaterinburg for St. Peterburg) his house was entarget according to his drawings (the lobby, porch and two mmore rooms were added). The front of the house was tiled with bricks. When in 1903 D.N.Mamin - Sibiryak had returned to Ekaterinburg, he visited his parent's rebuilt house.
Museum's services: lecture hall
Next to the museum there are:
hotels and restaurants
for museum professionals |  |
Administrative phone:
(343) 371-3576
Foundation and opening day:
opened: 01.05.1946
Organisation status: Municipal
Organization form: non-for-profit
Organisation type:
culture for society
Architect and monuments,Historical,Literature,Memorial,Painting art
Squares: permament show rooms 236м2
Employee number:
7 (curators: 3)
Web sites and CD-disks:
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