Podporozhsky Local Museum
 Phone: (81365) 2-01-28
Address: 187780, Leningrad region, Podporozhie, Isakova str., 1
Location: bus from bus-station N 2 to "Podporozhie"
Working hours:*
www.russianmuseums.info/M260 - official web page
- W983 lenoblmus.ru/
billboard, events and excursions |  |
In 1965 in the Podporozhsky House of Culture was founded a local lore study group. Later it became the Local Museum. The first director was Ivan Sergeevich Tolstoy. Since that time the museum collected a lot of exhibits reflecting the history of the region. Archaeological and ethnographic collections, historical documents, photographs of the Great Patriotic War and the construction of Svirsky Hydroelectric stations are of the greatest interest. The exhibitions cover different periods of history, from ancient times to the present days. The museum presents the following permanent exhibitions: "Nature of Podporozhsky District"; "Our region in the past" - This collection is dedicated to the life of ancient people, starting from the Neolithic era; "The life in Podporozhsky settlements" - through this collection we can get acquainted with the principal trades and crafts of local population in the 19th-20th centuries. It's one of the most significant collections of the museum, which reflects the Vepsians culture; "They became immortal" - the exhibition presents relics of the Great Patriotic War as well as the materials about war in Afghanistan and the Chechen war; "20 century. Chapters of history" - This collection reflects the history of our town and also the Upper Svir Hydroelectric Station's construction
Next to the museum there are:
hotels and restaurants
for museum professionals |  |
Administrative phone:
(81365) 2-01-28
Foundation and opening day:
founded: 19.12.1967
Organisation status: State Russia
Organization form: non-for-profit
Organisation type:
culture for society
Historical,Regional museum

Squares: permament show rooms 135м2 temporary exhibitions 25м2 museum's store 38м2
Employee number:
Average visitors per year:
Collections volume:
26700, rare collection's items: 21960
Web sites and CD-disks:
Copyright (c) 1996-2021 Podporozhsky Local Museum
Copyright (c) 1996-2025 Russian Museums .info