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The Museum of history of Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky

Phone: (3812) 22-20-37

Address: 644077, Omsk region,

Working hours:*

    www.russianmuseums.info/M2479 - official web page


billboard, events and excursions

    The Museum of history of Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky was founded in 1974. Its funds are replenished annually and today the fixed assets make 6288 units. Generally museum subjects are presented by a plane material - photos, diplomas, newspaper articles. There are a lot of book editions - works of candidates and the doctors of science working at university in the museum. The museum is in submission of the vice rector on extracurrucular activity (nonlearning work) and carries out active educational involvement, participates in patriotic education of students. The main forms of work with students are excursions, museum lessons, intellectual tournaments, round tables and meetings with interesting people. The museum acts as a platform for obtaining practical skills by the students getting museological education. Annually on the basis of the Museum of historystudents learn to drive excursions, to define museum objects, to project exhibitions. The museum takes an active part in professional orientation work with school students. Having visited excursions and having heard of the story about different specialties, entrants decide on a choice of future profession easier

Next to the museum there are:
    hotels and restaurants

for museum professionals

Administrative phone:
    (3812) 22-20-37

Foundation and opening day:
    opened: 03.12.1974

Organisation status:

Organization form:

Organisation type:
    culture for society, educational


Employee number:

Average visitors per year:

Collections volume:
    свыше 6000

Web sites and CD-disks:

Copyright (c) 1996-2020 The Museum of history of Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky

Copyright (c) 1996-2025  Russian Museums .info