Museum "Tula samovars"
 Phone: (4872) 31-23-33
Address: 300000, Tula region, 8, Mendeleevskaya str., Tula
Working hours:*
www.russianmuseums.info/M1861 - official web page
- W431, official web site museum-tula.ru/
billboard, events and excursions |  |
Museum of "Tula samovars" was opened in 1990 on the basis of the samovar collection of Tula Regional Museum. It is a kind of "calling" card in Tula. His collection consists of the subjects of Tula samovar production, made in the 18 - 20th century. Varied in form and function samovars demonstrate the skill and creativity of the Tula samovar factories. The exposition of the museum shows us the history of origin and development of one of the most famous trades -samovars production. The first hall tells about the samovar production In Tula at the end of the XVIII-XlX th. centuries". Among the unique samovars of the 18 th. century there are sbitennik - the vessel for making sbiten - the drink made of herbs, spices and honey. The differentiation of samovars according to the purpose was very wide: samovars for boiling water, samovars-coffee-pots, portable samovars, etc. The memorial subject complexes belonging to the samovar dynasties of the Batashev, Fomin Shemarin, Teyle occupy an important place in the museum. The collection of the small samovars for children gifted to Nicholas the 2nd 's family is of particular interest
Museum's services: museum shop
Next to the museum there are:
hotels and restaurants
for museum professionals |  |
Administrative phone:
(4872) 31-22-92, Fax: (4872) 31-23-33
Foundation and opening day:
opened: 07.11.1990
Organisation status: State Russia
Organization form: non-for-profit
Organisation type:
culture for society
Historical,Regional museum

Squares: permament show rooms 354,2ì2 museum's store 53,3ì2
Employee number:
20 (curators: 2)
Average visitors per year:
64 205
Collections volume:
800, rare collection's items: 520
Web sites and CD-disks:
Copyright (c) 1996-2024 Museum "Tula samovars"
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